Business Licenses FAQs

I am no longer in business, what steps do I have to take? If you keep circumstances license with an area address, it’ll need to be inactivated in order to close the local business permit. This also pertains to business entities on file with the Secretary of State (Corp/LLC).

If you sold your business, please provide the escrow closing day and the new owner’s name, address, contact number. In the event that you away are moving, and intend to go back to Santa Barbara to utilize your clients, a valid City of Santa Barbara business license tax certificate is necessary. Attention: we do not automatically cancel your permit if we don’t listen to from you.

We presume your payment is late and continue to send Billing Notices. Eventually your business name is placed on our delinquent list. So, please let us know, in writing, if you would like your license canceled. I perform business in a number of cities. Can I get just one permit to do business in ALL of them?

  1. 2 Color 125 $
  2. Industry-Cluster Strength: Full Weight (~2.94 Points)
  3. HIRE_DATE to HireDate
  4. An auditory learner
  5. I love putting on ties
  6. With an business structures tool using ArchiMate 2.0
  7. Simple Gantt Chart

Unfortunately, no. Each city has its own business license taxes requirements and you must have a business license from the jurisdiction business has been conducted in. I have a business problem or dubious business activities where may I record it? I have a big change to my Mailing or Business Address what should I do?

Be sure to provide contact information in the event staff has questions. If you would like to make changes personally come to the Finance Dept counter-top located at 735 Anacapa Street. Picture ID is necessary when coming up with changes personally. I have a County of Santa Barbara Business License, that should cover the City’s jurisdiction? No, any person who conducts business in the town must get yourself a City of Santa Barbara business license tax certificate.

The County of Santa Barbara is responsible for jurisdictions not Incorporated, such as Isla Vista, Montecito, Santa Summerland, and Ynez. I have a State License (PROPERTY, construction contractors, etc). Does this exempt me from City of Santa Barbara business license? No. The City business “license” and your State license serve entirely different purposes.

The regulatory licensing of certain investments rests completely with the State of California. The populous city of Santa Barbara will not control, in any real way, these industries. If your relationship to you employer is that of an “independent service provider” or you are self-employed and working in the City, you will need to pay the City business tax. I have this neat idea for a great sign!

Please, check with the Community Development Department before using or setting up ANY type of sign: wall, windowpane, banners, balloons even. Temporary indications require review and authorization to issuance of permits and set up prior. I operate a Mobile Service any kind of business restrictions? Yes, make sure to contact Community Development to get restriction information.

Code encouragement is upheld for legal reasons Enforcement. I receive rents from Commercial and/or Residential properties; do I need a business license? Yes, property owners getting rent are required to obtain a business license tax certificate. An owner with 3 or more residential units and/or owns commercial property need to file for a business license based on rents received. I needed to verify a Business license, how do I do this?